While checking FutureBrand website to know who is the company and what they exactly do. In their website I requested to get the Gulf Real Estate Study about the Arabian Region talking about UAE -Abu Dhabi and Dubai-, Qatar and Bahrain developments in the estate market. I find the study is very helpful regarding my dissertation topic.
In the study about Branding Real Estate it says;
Many development professional still think of branding as superficial window dressing or simply a logo that gets created moments before sending a brochure to print. While this may be the norm for some companies, it is certainly not the benchmark for what a brand is or what it can do.
Since each developer and each development has its own objectives, priorities, challenges and business issues, each branding situation is unique. Simply broadcasting your message or spending healthy amount on media will not guarantee success, especially as the market matures. Part of the skill of branding is knowing which approach is best suited to the specific situation, how to create a connection with target customers and how best to help companies stand out against the crowded playing field.
The study can be find in Futurebrand website.
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